Thermolysis has partnered with the Footwear & Recreation Technology Research Institution to launch a patented insole, providing support and comfort for Taiwanese athletes in international competitions. This insole features carbon fiber support pieces, offering midfoot 3D support, dispersing heel pressure, and ensuring a good fit. It stabilizes the arch and is designed by professionals to enhance comfort and reduce fatigue from prolonged standing.
The notable story behind this insole is its environmental impact. The raw materials come from discarded bicycles made with high-performance, high-value carbon fiber. Through Thermolysis’s processing, these waste carbon fibers are transformed into valuable recycled carbon fiber plastic pellets used to create this patented insole, achieving resource reuse.
As one of the few companies capable of recycling carbon fiber on a commercial scale, Thermolysis has always enhanced its competitiveness and protected the environment through innovative technologies. We are committed to promoting the circular use of carbon fiber waste and launching eco-friendly products with sustainable materials. In the future, Thermolysis will continue to strive toward net-zero goals and seek more cross-industry collaborations to develop more environmentally friendly and low-carbon products, jointly promoting sustainable development.
Further Reading:2024巴黎奧運中華臺北代表團進場服裝亮相!結合臺灣特色工藝,將梅花、翻轉字體融入服裝之中!